I am borrowing this great idea from Michelle over at Design Evolution and asking you to introduce yourself. This is a great opportunity to de-lurk and tell me why you like to visit, how you got to this blog and what you wish to reveal about yourself. Feel free to provide a link to your website or blog so that we can all get to know one another in this wonderful on-line craft and design community.
If you don't want to provide a link, that's okay, just say hello.
So a toast to all you lovely sticky beaks! This is Australian slang for somebody who sticks their nose into somebody else's business. Of course, I mean it in the nicest way possible.
Stay tuned for new pics to come from tomorrow's screen-printing workshop.

hello to my newest follower... i cant say much in answer to your post cause this is my first visit but i will be back. i think i might got to sew mama sew and offer something as a give away.
smooches %*_*%
Hi Thea, I think the reason I found your blog is that you were one of the first people to follow my blog! Have a great weekend. Simone xx
HI There, I'm Katy! I follow you coz I love your designs and fabric and I had such a great time at your Screenpriting Workshop.
My blog.... whatkatydiddesign.blogspot.com
...is about the things is sew, draw, craft and now because of you - screen print!
Thanks! Katy, you are a crafting supergirl!
HI Thea, I stumbled upon you looking for fantastic fabrics, designed by Australians with quality of the french and italians!! I love reading your blog and the effort you go to for eco products, a message that is sooooo important. My little dream is to have some thea and sami fisherman pants walking the Aussie Streets. Just wait one day this will happen!!
Hi Thea,
I've been reading your blog through my RSS (hence why I'm a 'late' follower!).
I'm Jenaveve of August Street, a seamstress in the very-slow-making. But I don't see what the rush is really?
I like your blog because you encourage a sense of sharing and community amongst the creatively-inclined. And if I didn't live so far away I would love to join one of your screenprinting classes.
Oh, and because I LOVE fabric of any sort, but particularly the type that has been created with the environment in mind somewhere along the line.
Hi Thea - I think I found you when you started following my blog. Thank you so much for that - you were my first follower who wasn't a friend just being nice to me. You gave me confidence that I wasn't just writing/talking to myself! I love following your design endeavours. Thanks! Kylie
Thanks ladies. This is great and so helpful to know what you like reading. It is important to encourage each other.
Don't be shy people, keep the comments coming :)
Hey Thea, I love following your amazing busy blog/life. Very inspiring. Go the girls
hay my amazing sister!!
just had a chance to check
out your blog,
love the fabrics!!
(and the photos of Zoe)
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