The 2nd screen-printing table still hasn't been completed because the Metal Guy is sick this week. My studio telephone/internet connection hasn't happened because it turned out that Telstra has gotten my application wrong and has been sending relevant mail to the Baptist Church across the road.
My son, who was supposed to help us, decided that it was preferable to sleep in and I was advised that the weather is too hot for soap-making so new soaps will be a while coming... not sure if I've forgotten anything?

Oh, and I'm not complaining but I do want readers to know that things do go wrong every day but you soldier on. My biggest tips for business success? Perseverance, problem-solving skills and a sense of humour go a long way.
I had one of those days yesterday too!!! I think it's good all the crap stuff happens in one day becasue then everything will go well for ages... hope your week improves :)
What a lovely smiley face! We've got two little dogs here, and they make my day too! They are also handy "assistants" when I'm washing screens in the backyard! Bummer about the tea towels - let them know!
I appreciate it when other crafters, especially pros like yourself, admit that some days everything goes wrong. Hope you get some luck soon.
Our male cat Vladamir, has a nickname of "Medicine Cat". When you are feeling shit, he can be relied upon to jump up next to you and give you purrage and make you feel better :D
I hope that today is much better! I love my pets too!
I so agree Thea. Hope you get heaps done today and your lovely man is back on deck soon. xx
Yeah, it's not complaining it's just reality. I seem to encounter obstacles or dead-ends around just about every turn, especially in wanting to be as environmental as possible which is still quite hard to achieve with ease. I guess there are challenges for a business at any stage of its journey, whether new or established and you do just have to soldier on, especially if you can't imagine doing anything else. Animals are a constant source of joy though and I love spending time with mine.
Hang in there Thea ! I know what you mean re pets; nothing like seeing those waggy tails at the end of the day to make you feel better .
I think it is a dogs life; sleep, eat, sleep eat, maybe a leisurely walk .....
Thea, you have a great attitude and I hope things improve quickly for you! ;-)
We got a cat and she is our buddy and helps us relax all the time!
that is so true - success is just sticking to it really :) hope the sun shines bright for you over the next few days best le xox
I wanted to add that Zoe is such a beauty!
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