Clever Michelle Law of Buttontree Lane has taken inspiration from the original iconic form to create fabric versions complete with zippers for storing all kind of goodies.

This lovely model is made from the Thea and Sami Pets and Bones hemp/organic cotton muslin that Michelle won in our giveaway a few weeks ago. It was was sold at Michelle's first craft market (in Canbera) with the proceeds appropriately donated to the RSCPA. I'm happy to have been a small part of that and hopefully Michelle will be using more of our fabrics soon.

To purchase any of Buttontree Lane's creations, visit Michelle's Etsy store.
You have been awarded a kreative blogger award! check out my blog for details
Thank you for your kind comments on my blog Thea. Being new to blogging I was not sure about the etiquette of blog awards. I would like to wish you Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year
Great gift for a great cause. Love the shape too.
My darling I wish you and yours all the joy, love, hope, blessings, peace, laughter, miracles, good health and boundless wealth during this holiday season and always.
Love & Hugs
How creative, cool inspiration!!
I love these, I have just introduced to my grandchildren, aged 4, 2 and 2. Now they are enjoying them too, although I must say "at a much higher cost than what I used to enjoy them at!
I loved the way you could suck on them and the colour disappered leaving just the frozen ice.
I certainly do remember Sunnyboys, and wouldn't mind sitting outside with one right now. Lovely to meet you Thea, I love your blog!!!
Oh I wish they still sold Sunnyboys!
Now that image brought back some memories ... so many years ago munching on one of those things after school!
Have a lovely Christmas Thea!
I wanted to thank-you for your beautiful card Thea and all your comments and support in 2009. Have a great Christmas and New Year. Simone xx
I LOVE these zippered pouches and I LOVE your fabric!
Very nice post, and obviously one can not stop from posting such a good creativity. I like you all button made by you. Really very good and color used are also perfect... Thanks for post.
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