Like most of you, I have been making plans and setting goals for this year, starting with doing the things that I have always wanted to do but have not bothered to make happen. So that is all changing as of this month! The following are some of my plans.
We're going to a rodeo on Thursday night. I am quite excited as I have never been but have wanted to for as long as I can recall. I just love cowboys (please don't tell my husband). The National Finals are on at the Gold Coast this week. Full information and tickets are available here.
I want to take more breaks this year, preferably a long weekend away at least every 3 months. Last year, I rarely took even a full weekend off and felt burnt out most of the time. I will not work more than 2 weekends a month. Our first long weekend away starts this Saturday and we are staying at a lovely property near Noosa (beach image above). I won't let potential rain spoil our break so I am taking my sketchbooks and reading materials with me.

My husband loves sailing so I found this place on the Noosa River that hires out catamarans, kayaks, etc.
Other plans for this month include a weekend of doing a Art Collage class which is a nice change from me teaching and should be inspirational. I am grateful that both my January Screen-printing classes are fully booked and I didn't have to advertise! Blogging works, people. If you missed out, I have scheduled another class for February 20th. Please book online here.
Of course, I am also looking forward to the Blogging Your Way course that I spoke about here. To keep inspired and motivated, I think it is important to have things to look forward to. Are you trying anything new this year?
Happy New Year to you Thea! All the best for 2010!!
Hi Thea, Happy New Year!! I'm glad to hear you are making lots of great plans - go girl :-)
Hope your little fluff ball has a lovely holiday too. Make sure you blog about this - it may be a place I can go with my little Patsy!
Hey Thea, that definitely sounds like a great plan. It's similar to mine, which is to find balance. Here's to a great year.
Have the best holiday Thea, sounds like you have planned perfectly! Happy 2010! Chele x
The rodeo.... how fun. I have not been since I was a little girl.
I love this time of the year, lots of energy around.
Hi Thea, Happy New year to you all and wishing you a fabulous balance and happy 2010 with lots of your dreams to come through!
We just come back from a few days in Noosa and just want to go back already!Have fun:)We are now off to Byrn Bay tomorrow :)Rest and relaxation on the agenda here too:)xx
Hi Thea, taking time off is essential and I'm so happy to hear you will be doing a bit more of that this year. Especially in such a lovely place like Noosa. It's always so hard when you run your own business but think of it as a critical strategic business decision to keep that creative brain of yours in top condition!
That collage course looks really fun ...can't wait to see your work if you decide to share it ... and of course I'm looking forward to being your class mate for BYW xx
I will share all these experiences with you. Thanks for your comments to which I have personally responded to. I will look forward to seeing what you all get up to this year. x
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