Sunday 31 January 2010

Super Class

How was your week? I nearly didn't make it to work on Friday as I locked myself out of the house with all necessary keys inside. My only hope was that our bedroom sliding door was unlocked. Unfortunately, accessing the bedroom courtyard involved jumping over a 6 foot tall fence with flip-flops on. To cut a long story short, I made it half-way over the fence with all four limbs sprawled along the top when my jean cuff got caught on the plank top and I was completely stuck.

Nobody could see me and we live in a quiet street so I became quite panic-stricken. I could only hope that by forcefully tugging my leg, while somehow balancing on top of the fence, that either my jeans would rip or that the top of the wooden plank would snap. I managed to finally pry myself loose after 5 minutes of persistently doing this without too much harm. Not bad for a short, middle-aged woman! Thank goodness, the courtyard door was indeed unlocked and I made it to work before my new assistant did.

Apart from that little adventure, the week ended well with a super creative group of people joining our screen-printing class yesterday.

I love these citrus-coloured floral prints from Lisa Davies, proudly seated below.

Two young mothers had the day off to screen-print with us. Caroline Taran successfully printed 2-colour floral designs.

Our other young mum was Anna Lahey whose colourful work included these negative and positive snake prints.

Tim and Teneale Muir of Wicked Child Designs are one of my favourite couples and screen-printed fun images all day such as bunnies.

Teneale's pink bunny is adorable and Tim's bunny is sitting in a cup of hot coffee. Tim is cruel.

Jealous? See available class dates here.


Penny said...

I love the citrussy florals, cute!

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

Oh no, hopping over a big fence, good to know your back door is unlocked for such incidents. I am bit on locking myself out but always seem to have some solution. It's that fear of dread!! Fun screen printing though, ace work, love Posie

My Passport to Style said...

Hi there, adore these colours your blog always make me feel so happy!! Let me know if you want to exchange blog links over @ My Passport to Style? Sharon(UK)xox

Holly said...

Well I'm glad you're okay now and can laugh about the whole thing! Love catching up on your screen printing classes as usual :)


Teneale said...

Thank you so much for the class Thea!! I've posted a short story on my blog. xo Teneale and Tim

Catherine Lowe said...

Oh Thea, I hope you can have a good laugh at that little escapade now that its been and gone! lol Sounds like a funny situation indeed!
Workshop looks fab fun! xo

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