I am excited that my new screens will be ready in the morning (in a few hours really) although with pending orders, we won't be able to print the new fabrics (see previous post) until next week. I am also trying out a new seamstress and have given her two new products to sample so fingers crossed on that one. More exciting still, I am collaborating with another designer on a new product range but alas, I can't reveal anything more at this stage.

Last weekend was my collage workshop and I have to confess that I was a tad disappointed, well more than a tad really. The class was not what I expected and I don't think that I learned anything new. It was very basic and the teacher did not or would not show us any of his work which was quite strange.
It was not a friendly class either as there were no introductions at the beginning. It made me happily realise that the workshops I teach are enjoyable because of the very friendly and social environment.
Day 2 of the workshop was even worse! I'm sorry but weaving strips of paper and creating 3-D pyramids out of cut cardboard seems very Grade 4 to me. Luckily, I found an ally in classmate Narelle Oliver (more about her later) who had the same bad attitude as me. We followed our own agenda after lunch. I can't say that my work here is spectacular as I need time to play around with and evolve my ideas, something I can't do in a class environment.

This is my fish but I like Narelle's fish better (below) so have included a couple of her creations here too.

The picture below is Narelle's Antarctic landscape made of torn strips of magazine paper in gray tones. The beauty of this photo is a little lost in blog translation. The imagery is much clearer if you see it from a distance.

The fox is an image from her children's book Fox and Fine Feathers. I am always impressed by the number of talented people we have in our lovely city. Visit Narelle Oliver.
For further inspiration, visit good friend Alarna Zinn and view (and buy) her beautiful Little Jane St. greeting cards designed with gorgeous collage.
Stay tuned as I introduce you to the newest member of the Samios clan and post pictures of my next Screen-Printing workshop on this Saturday.
I really feel for you, Thea - that is bad luck indeed. And that course sounds tragic too! I think with your level of talent you can safely rely on your own artistry to make collages :) Love the work of your friend Narelle - she's ace! Had a peek at her website - just gorgeous illustrations. Hope the week gets better for you, Thea, and that all the glitches are sorted out. Kylie x
Oh dear - hang in there - next week is sure to be better! Nic
sorry you didn't find it as fun as you had hoped but you did meet a new friend! love the work you did :)
Oh when you said Narelle Oliver I immediately thought of the author (being a librarian and all)and it is her ! her work is amazing.
If nothing else the class has shown you what a bad class is like I guess...
maybe the reason for you two to be in the class was to meet up. If the class was interesting you may not have had the time to catch up and get to know each other,
ohh Thea, what a bad trot you have had, it may be annoying now but hopefully in the next few weeks all will run a little smoother.
as the previous poster said maybe the workshop was a chance for you to meet.
when i saw the illustration I knew straight away who you meant.
that was the first book I bought my little one while I was still pregnant. beautiful books.
hope things look up for you soon lovely lady
It's nice to see that Narelle has such a well-deserved fan base :)
Oh dear, as a mother who helps out with craft at school for year 1 to year 6 . . . um, yes, grade 4!! At least you put a beautiful artistic spin on the work, still lovely. Small business, don't you love it?? Love Posie
Hi Thea, Thanks for the sweet mention:)Glad you found a new friend! Looking forward to seeing more of your new designs!
How MEAN that you have to wait until next week before printing with your new screens! Though hopefully that means next week can only be a whole lot of fun! I only hope that 7am repair man turned up on time...
PS. I could never come up with stuff in class either. I doubt I could even work in someone else's design studio either these days. Every time I need an idea I need to hop in the shower (problematic when we are supposed to be limiting showers to 4 minutes in these parts).
What a shame about the workshop. It's a real pity. Glad that you made an ally.
Hang in there Thea - exciting things are ahead as all your ideas come home to roost.
I'm sorry things are a bit stressful for you at the moment Thea and I'm sorry those courses weren't that great either. If only I lived closer ... I would absolutely take one of your classes as I know they would be fantastic! Hang in there ... thinking of you xx
One good thing you did learn was how not to give a class. Glad you met someone to work with for at least part of the class.
It was a breath of fresh air to read some constructive criticism for a change - and lovely for you to know your workshops are much more fun than some. And thanks for the link to Narelle Oliver. What do you know? She's a Toowoomba-ite! And such wonderful work.
I'm sure things will roll a little more smoothly once the year has well and truly started. I don't feel like mine really starts until the kids are at school. Thinking of you in this heat too! And love the new designs.
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