After all the recent storm activity, we had a few broken tree limbs that were far too huge for us to fit into our Green Waste wheelie bin. (Brisbane residents can order one through the City Council).

Voyt's doing so much better right now. He has been moved to another ward with a new doctor looking after him. I suspect that this may be due to fact that he and the previous doctor clashed - badly! There was yelling involved (on the doctor's part) but I don't want to gossip too much.
The man does have a leg infection which is most likely the result of him wading through storm waters on our property (pre-floods) so please do be careful if you are helping with clean-ups. The dangers are very real and I have spoken to people who know 4 others who have since acquired flood-water related infections.
Got to run now. A dear friend and I are going to Samford for breakfast and checking out a new store that is opening today. It is stocking Thea & Sami homewares so I can't wait to see and to share it with you later. Have a nice day! x
Have a fun day Thea, the weather is perfect!! I so agree about the noise of the tree loppers. My neighbour has chopped down ALL his tress which is not only visually quite confronting but they arrived and started work about 6.45 in the morning...arrgh, xx Katherine oh and glad to hear Voyt is on the mend
Ah yes, he might have made the call from his bed side but Voyt will still take the glory that he did the 'clean up'. Boy, sounds like Brisbane is getting quite the crew cut on the trees. Love Posie
Wow...look at all those trees, if that's your block it looks very lush and private :) Glad your husband is receiving better care and able to help you out from the hospital bed...
Never a dull moment is there Thea! Glad to hear that Voyt is receiving better treatment. Can't keep a good man down even when he is hospital :) Good that he is keeping himself busy doing what he loves. Bet he wants to get outta there though!
Pam x
Glad to hear Voyt is on the mend, and good idea putting him to work! What a lovely clear day for a drive and Samford is such a picturesque spot for that. Congrats on your new stockist and looking forward to seeing their shop.
Glad to hear Voyt is being well looked after now. Love the trees around your property - you are so lucky to be surrounded by bushland! (i miss it)
Thanks ladies. I think I should take some photos from around the yard to show you - once the grass is cut next week. It's a jungle right now!
Oh Thea - you sound so upbeat! I am delighted to hear that Voyt is progressing and that you are finding the time to have breakfast with a pal - even if it has a work related overtone. Keep positive!
Hi Thea,
I just read your last 4 posts ...my dear girl... you've had a terrible time .... you hubs I do hope will be getting speedily much, much better...what a trial for him and you too with all the various pressures and flooding and family caught up in it!
... its sounds like you will need some time out when ever the day arrives for you to make space for that.... till then... take care and I wish you a prosperous month or two to help ease the worries.
S xo
Hi Thea so glad Voyt is getting better care, say hi to Samford for me my aunty Pat is part of the cooperative who run the hut in the village. Lots of talented crafters there.
Looking forward to seeing the new shop & your products. :)
So glad Voyt is on the mend and doesn't have the stress of a Doctor that doesn't relate well to him.
Did you see the recent news story about a turkey cleaning up the backyards in it's street in Brisbane. It was facsinating. Apparently they push all the dirt and debris into a pile. The higher the pile, the more manly the turkey,lol.
HI Ange, I didn't hear the turkey story before. I just watched the video on the channel 9 page. I love it! x
Hi Thea
Wow.. and you probably needed your saturday sleep-in..
Just popped back to see how your husband is.. Still in hospital! but glad he is improving.. and getting the care he needs... Wow.. Dr yelling at him!! how unprofessional... although i find when someone in authority loses it like that.. i tend to get the giggles.. which doesn't usually help the scenario..
OK.. take care of you and family!!! Glad things are getting better.. ciao xxx Julie
Hi Thea,
I'm so glad to hear the Voyt is feeling better.
Well that certainly is a noisy way to wake up on a weekend ... but at least it's constructive activity.
I'm glad to hear that Voyt's doing much better - hopefully the new doctor will be a better 'fit'. There's nothing better than keeping busy when you've got nothing much else to do - making phone calls is the perfect activity! :)
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