I am sorry that I have not really felt like blogging or answering your emails. I am quite depressed but did want to say that I really do appreciate all of your comments and well-wishes for my husband's health.
I visited Voyt again in the hospital today and was quite distressed to find that his leg had greatly deteriorated. It is not a pretty site so I am sparing you the images. In all fairness, the hospital (one of Brisbane's best private ones) only has a skeleton staff and he was not given antibiotics or painkillers until last night after a doctor finally visited, which really was too late for his condition.
My brother's house in the river suburb of Jindalee was one of the homes lost to the flood. He and his family are safe but are trapped in the western suburbs and mobile telephone communications are not working properly although I was able to receive a text message from my sister-in-law this morning. My cousin's house is possibly lost too. She evacuated early and her house is located in Milton, one of the suburbs shown in this video.
Update: My cousin's house was a couple of houses short of the flooding line and my brother's house was flooded a little bit but not as bad as they had feared. Their neighbours had flooding as high as ceilings so they considered themselves quite lucky in comparison.
I am finding it impossible to think about work and driving to and from the hospital the last 2 days has been an eerie experience as there is no traffic on Brisbane streets. I am fortunate that I am able to stay along the high streets of the hilly Eastern suburbs. Our city really is a ghost town though. I am still in shock and cannot watch the TV coverage without tearing up. As a Brisbanite, it all feels quite surreal and I still can't believe that it has all happened.
I do want to say that I am grateful that we and our home are safe and to be living in the best country possible to deal with all of this disaster. Stay strong Queensland, we love you!
The best way to get flood relief funds to where it is needed most, is by donating directly to the Premier's Fund. I think that Anna Bligh, our premier (state leader), is doing an amazing job. Thanks Anna!
8 hours ago
Thea, I'm so sorry to hear about Voyt, and your family members who have lost their homes. John and I feel very lucky to have lost nothing in all of this.
All of my thoughts are with you.
Hey Thea, thinking of you and Voyt. It is just awful. Things will improve, stay strong my friend you are a strong and brave person you will get through this as will our state xxx Katherine
I'm so sorry to hear you are going through such a tough time Thea. Sending BIG virtual hugs your way and hope things start to get better soon.
xx And we in the southern states wish we had an Anna Bligh of our own - she is just fabulous! Thinking of you and Voyt and your family, stay strong lovely,
Allison x
Thea!! How awful for you with all this going on. Do you have people around you to lean on?? It must be very hard on your husband too being stuck in hospital. Thankfully he is in a great place, we are lucky to live here. So much has been done before and during these dark times for Queensland. We are here for you any way we can.
Happy Birthday for the other day, mine was last week too but hardly worth a mention under the current horrific circumstances. I hope your husband gets the attention he needs and is on the road to recovery soon. I am also very sorry for the loss of homes in your family. Take care. ;-)
Oh Thea, you poor, poor thing. I have only just now read your posts.
Please, and I really mean it, if there is anything I can do ... just email me ... we're high-and-dry ... I feel so guilty coming out of this whole disaster so unscathed.
Even if you're in Bardon and you want to sit down with an unrelated third-party and have a cup of tea. I feel the weight you must be bearing.
Truly. (And the OBH is always spot-on with words of advice.)
I'm so sorry for your trouble Thea. I hope Voyt's leg shows some improvement soon. That must be very distressing for you in the midst of everything else that is happening.
You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
Thea , your plate is more than full at the moment - no need to feel obligated to blog. I hope things improve for voyt really soon.
Do your family have children? I would love to send some things to help if possible?
Dear Thea
Still thinking of you and your husband and sorry to hear his leg is worse... I truly hope things turn around soon... How awful that your family has been affected too... we are thinking of you all .. and sending you our love and prayers and I don't think anyone is worried about return comments or email.. we're just glad to know that you and other blogger mates are Ok.. Take care xxx Julie
What a tough few days. I hope Voyt's leg gets better very quickly and that your brother and his family have lots of help cleaning up their place when the waters go down. I am finding it hard to work too - so much worry and so many sad stories.
Much love
Oh Thea, sounds like your really struggling, I hope Voyts condition improves soon, its hard to watch your love ones suffer. The floods have certainly been devastating.
Good Luck to you & your family xxx
Oh wishes to Voyt, that is horrible!! Good luck, it can be scary.
Sorry to hear about your brother & cousins, hope it's not as bad as they imagine. Let us know how we can help, we're here for you!!
Not a fan of Anna Bligh but she's certainly impressive right now, genuinely gutted & holding it together beautifully. Can't say the PM is doing anything near the effort, she is so emotionless & bland.
Finally, birthday girl, i hope you get some rest, solace & calm soon. Love Posie
Oh sweet Thea! I have just read your email and had hoped that Voyt would have been doing much better, I am so sorry to hear his leg has deteriorated. I hope that now he has been administered medication, that his recovery will be fast. I wish I was there to give you a hug and sit down and have a coffee with you. Please know that you are in my thoughts, lovely lady. Stay positive and strong...this too shall pass. Stay safe. Sending all my love ~ Txx
Thea, I'm really sorry to hear about Voyt. I do hope things improve now that he's getting the treatment he needs, and if there's anything I can do to help just let me know. So sorry too, to hear your brother and cousin have lost their homes. It really is quite unreal. We used to live just around the corner from Rosalie village, and to see it submerged is hard to fathom. Sending you strength and support my friend. K xx
I think Anna is doing a great job also. We have a friend that has had a sore on her leg that was not healing and she was having "deep compression" treatment or something like that ... Hope your husband's leg is not getting the treatment it needs. Thinking of you and understanding your shock.
So sorry to hear the news on your husband within this tragic time we are going through in Brisbane. I hope and pray your husband's leg heals and your family's home will be recovered.
My thoughts and love and with you Thea. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help your family.
Much Love, Sophie x
You poor things, I can't imagine what you are going through. Love to you and hubby and all your family.
Oh Thea, I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time at the moment. Please give my love to Voyt and I really hope he's back on his feet (literally) very soon. I'm so sorry about your family's homes as well. Such a tough time you're having.
Lots of love, give me a call if you need a shoulder anytime xxx
I'm sorry to hear about you and your family ... my thoughts are with you and I send you additional strength to get through it all ... take care.
Thea, So sorry to hear about your news. I am thinking of you and your family. Stay strong and you can get through this. Please let me know if I can help in any way. Kirstinx
I hope Voyt's leg can recover. I remember how bad it was back in April.
We are working as normal and it feels like we are a world away from everything that is happening in Brisbane and surrounds at the moment. It is awful, so heartbreaking. Although one of our customer's rang to cancel their job as their house went under in the floods.
Sending my love to you and your family.I hope Voyt will recover soon.
Sandrine XO
Hi Thea, I'm so sorry to hear that your going through such a hard time. It's terrible about your husbands leg and your poor family's homes. It is such a tragic situation for so many people. My thoughts are with you and your family. xxx Claudia
Stay strong Thea, we can all get through this!
Best Wishes
Dearest Thea, firstly I am thinking of you and Voyt. I hope all is OK. He is the most important thing right now. Remember that. As for the floods I am completely devastated and cannot think or blog either. I have lost all my 'mojo' and don't know how to get it back.
Dear Thea, I am so saddened to read all yours news and to watch the videos. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you there. I pray your husband's leg gets better soon as well. I'm thinking of you and sending you big hugs.
Thea - I have been thinking you of and our thoughts and well wishes go out to Vyot! Hang in there, hugs to you: Liz
Hi Thea,
Stay strong. We are thinking of you all over there in Queensland.
Thea, I will still wish you many happy returns for your birthday - you deserve them. This is just an awful time for you and your extended family. This is a big challenge for you. I hope your husband's leg gets better real soon.
I haven't been able to tear my eyes away from the television for the last four days. My Aussie heart swells with pride when I see how the Queenslanders have pulled together to support each other. Absolutely amazing. And you're right, Anna Bligh rocks! She's a woman in control.
Keep blogging my friend, it'll help to get it out. All the best to you and yours.
Megs xx
Hope you and your family are okay now... Stay strong and I'll pray for you...
Oh Thea I am so sorry about Voyt, my thoughts & hugs are going out to you & all your family please stay strong if I can do anything please ask Elaine x
I hope Voyt recovers soon and of course that the floods subside - it is very bizarre how all this has happened! My thoughts are with you!!
Oh Thea, I'm so sorry to hear of the dreadful time you are having. I am thinking of you, and hoping everything settles down with a positive outcome as soon as possible. Take care of yourself
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