We are safe where we live as we are far enough from the river and creeks but production has ceased at Thea & Sami this week. My assistant is expected to be land-locked and worse still, my husband was admitted to hospital last night with a reinfected leg. The relocation to our new studio looks like it will be postponed for yet another month.
I woke up alone this morning and feeling quite sad for we were supposed to be celebrating my birthday today. That seems so silly now with so much devastation around us and Queenslanders losing homes and lives. 75% of our state is a declared disaster zone!
A lot of help will be needed to rebuild lives. There are many places you can donate much needed funds including at any Australian bank. I chose the Premier's Fund here which can also be used by international readers. I hope you are safe and dry where you are. Stay strong Queensland! x
Oh, you poor thing! Not the best way to spend your birthday, is it? Glad to hear you're ok, and you take care of yourself and that hubby of yours. Thinking of you today. K xx
Oh God Thea... I am so sorry to hear that your husband is at the hospital and you are alone :-(
I have been following the sad news and it is devastating to see what is happening.
From the distance my thoughts and best wishes are with you!
Oh my- I have been following the flooding news here- it is so sad-
So sorry to hear your husband is not well-
Positive vibes to you and yours on this one oneone oneone birthday-
So sorry to hear that you are close to the tragedy - I too have been following it on the news and my heart breaks for all affected. Sending you happy birthday wishes that you will soon be having much happier times.
I'm devastated. I couldn't go to bed last night until late because I was too anxious about what was happening and then I woke up early worrying about Brisbane and Ipswich (and afar) also. We are safe of course but it is just a little too close to home for comfort, emotionally. I'm glad that you are ok where you are too. Sorry for the crappy birthday, at least the sun has made an appearance! That is a good sign, however i think it is too late. Stay safe.
You're all in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong x
My birthday was on Sunday. Happy Birthday fellow Capricornian - at least the sun is shining although that makes little difference now that the river has broken its bank. I hope your hubby gets better soon. xx
I was actually thinking of you and wondering whether you're safe. My heart and prayers go out to all of you affected by these horrific floods...
Happy Birthday Thea. Hope you'll still have a nice day with your family and friends! And all the best of health to ur husband
Birthday greetings in the midst of mayhem Thea! Importantly you and those you love are ok and I hope you have a really big birthday celebration when you can :)
Although there is so much negative that is taking our attention at the moments [the floods being the most prominent], I am so happy to know that it is your birthday Thea and hope that you are able to enjoy some bright moment & perhaps some lovely surprises to celebrate the 'wonderfulness' of you.
You bring such delight to so many with your creativity and it's only right that we celebrate this special day that you were born.
A big hug and blessings for a better day, a healthy husband and little impact from the weather,
Felicity x
Hi Thea, Happy Birthday my friend. Stay strong...you are a toughy!! I have just returned from the garden centre where we have removed most of the stuff.Just shelving and furniture left to go and the pictures,mirrors on the wall.It is set to go way under. People passing us in the street kept offering to help us and everyones spirits were great. it is amazing how just a kind offer can lift spirits at this time. Hope you are safe and dry...my best to your husband.xxx Katherine
Happy Birthday Thea.
I'd send you dome sunshine but we have rain here in Ballarat so I'm sending you sunny thoughts instead.
I hope your husband feels better soon. The floods are awful but I'm happy to hear you are safe.
Hey Thea glad you are safe and a Happy Birthday wish anyway in the midst of all this. My son was evacuated today, he's in Bulimba.
Hope hubby picks up, is his hospital close by?
Some good news. I work for NAB and the Bank is going to match any employee donation made to the Premier's fund, so it's a double up for the relief effort from any NAB employee...I've done mine...so a bit coming your way Brissy. Everyone take care....T
Happy Birthday Thea. Glad to hear that you are safe. Hang in there, hope your husband is on the mend. Thinking of you and sending you both positive vibes. xox
Happy Birthday Thea. We all send our love to you and everyone in the flood affected areas. We will all be helping in our own way when the time is right. A small ray of sunshine on your birthday is that you and yours are well and not struggling and we live in a country where as much as is humanly possible that can be done is being done. Thankyou for letting us know you are safe.
Happy birthday!
Perhaps you could reschedule your birthday til March like my husband has done. I hope you and all those you love stay safe. We're thinking of you. XX
Oh you poor thing, I didn't realise it was your birthday. I know it sounds strange, but hoping you have a happy one, even if we put it off a bit when this is all over.
I'm so sorry hubby is back in hospital, I hope he's much better really soon.
Remember, I am just down the road, so please give me a buzz if you need to.
Lots of love to you
Happy Birthday Thea.I hope the day turns out to be special for you. I am looking for the silver lining here...maybe this is the prefect day to put everything that you can't do anything about anyway aside and enjoy being with those who love you. Stay safe and dry.Our thoughts here in Melbourne are with you. xD
I thought of you yesterday and whereyou were in relation to the floods. Good to hear that you are safe and well.
Try to have a good birthday :)
Best birthday wishes - I hope there is a rainbow for you beyond the rain.
Happy Birthday sweet Thea! Keeping your hubby in my thoughts, hope he gets well asap. I am so releived to hear that you are safe, but still thinking of you, especially sending you happy birthday wishes. ~ Txx
Thea, glad to know you are out of harms way but the rest of it is sad with your husband in hospital (I hope you can visit, i.e. due to floods), with you spending your birthday alone (at least you have your beautiful pooch to keep you company) and that production has ceased at the Thea & Sami studio. Our thoughts are with everyone affected and yet to be affected by this natural disaster, it's so devastating...
Not the best day to have a birthday Thea, but certainly one that will be etched in your memory forever.
Thinking of you at this time.
Oh wow, that is a scary shot!! Sorry to hear about your husband's leg, more drama!! Thinking of you Queenslanders, my husband is on his way, stuck in Coffs Harbour. There are lots of crafty auctions & fundraisers which is making we southerners or non flooded ones feel a little less useless. Love Posie
Happy Birthday Thea.
I hope you can find a little time to celebrate.
It is a sad day for Qld for sure.
Happy Birthday Thea.
I hope you can find a little time to celebrate.
It is a sad day for Qld for sure.
Oh Thea ... happy birthday regardless. I hope the day has improved on some level. Thinking of you. Nic x
Happy Birthday Thea
I can't imagine how difficult it must be for everyone up there at present... I hope your hubby heals quickly and can get back home.. and I hope you can find some small enjoyment for your birthday..... Take care of yourself.. xxx Julie
Thank you all for your lovely comments which have been such a ray of sunshine in my day! My biggest stress today was that my husband has been stuck in a private hospital all day and yet has still not been given antibiotics or painkillers (not at 5.44 pm). His leg is swollen to twice its normal size! I don't think I will be able to get there tomorrow. Driving around today was so eerie - Brisbane is a ghost town.
Wishing you a happy birthday. We are all thinking of you!! and hope you get to celebrate your birthday on a happy note.
Stay strong and positive Thea I am sure that all will be well in the end ,I wish your husband a quick recovery ,and I hope that soon the flood and rain will subside and that things will go well with the business ,you have come a long way to get where you are ,only people with ambition ,creativity,consistancy and hard work can ocomplish what you have, keep strong,xoxo theodora
Hi Thea! The floods look SO awful! I hope you're doing ok. My thoughts are with you xxx
I forgot Happy Birthday!!! to you even if you don't feel like celebrating ,but you deserve a little cake to brighten up your day.xoxo theodora
Oh Thea is so devistating I cannot believe what I am watching the places I have been just underwater it is a sad day I would love to with you a happy birthday but i know it wont be today sending big hugs to you I hope Simone from Beach Vintage is safe & many other Brisbane bloggers my heart goes out to them all xxxx
Oh Thea, how awful and on your birthday. I suggest we move your birthday to a month forward and celebrate it then. Thinking of you and all flood affected people.
so tragic for my beautiful brisy where both my boys were born and love so dearly. Thanks that at present they no longer are living there as they were living in the flood areas. They dearly wish to return to live there some day!It will return to be the greatest city anywhere
our thoughts are with you Thea
Sad to hear about your husband back in hospital, I hope it will all get under control very soon.
Happy Birthday, I think you will have to do a happy celebration soon when it all returns to normal.
I am glad to read that you are safe where you are.
PS: Thanks so much for the samples they are gorgeous!
Take care, much love Sandrine xx
I am sad to hear about this series of unfortunate events. Just remember that when you are down, there is nowhere else to go but up. Keep safe and dry, Kellie xx
Happy Birthday Thea! Hope you stay dry and safe and that your husband's leg recovers soon!!
Thea, I have been thinking about you all day and decided to go online to write to you and I saw your post. I am so sorry to hear what is happening to your beloved city. It is so sad. Thank goodness you are well and your home is safe. I am also sorry to hear that your husband is in the hospital and you are alone. I wish him a speedy recovery. I know this is a sad time but I still want to wish you all the best on your Birthday. I wish for your beautiful city to recover quickly, your studio to reopen and for you to have much happiness always. You deserve it!
Dearest Thea,
Such devastation, it's hard to get my head around it. We've been glued to the radio/TV these past few days and it just breaks our heart to see those images ... and now as individual stories are emerging, both tragic and heroic ... my mind just can't comprehend what these poor people must be going through.
I hope your husband is okay - I'm sorry to hear he is not well. When you do make it into your new studio it will be wonderful but I imagine that is the furthest thing from your mind right now. Happy birthday for yesterday lovely Thea, thinking of you,
Allison x
Hi Thea, Sending you Birthday wishes and get well wishes for your husband.
I've been glued to the live TV coverage for a few days now - the devastation in Queensland is unbelievable.
Stay safe.
I hope your husband gets better fast.
Even though there's a lot of sadness around you I hope you still had some nice moments for your birthday.
I am so sorry for what your country is going thru. My husband has a cousin that lives in Queensland.
I pray for God's comfort and peace for you, your family, and countrymen.
Happy Birthday!
Take care Thea. I am thinking of you during this difficult time. I hope your husband is being well looked after. Let's hope mother nature decides to let up soon.
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