My old studio neighbour, also an upholsterer, made cushions for us and never cut his fabric on the bias either. Such a great fabric saver! Trust the experts, it works perfectly.

Today is the last day of my class and I hope to finish my chair. There's always more work than you expect but we aren't taking any short cuts and I can already see the difference from the original.
Thea it is looking so good, you must be thrilled. cant wait for the final reveal.....
I love the blue and white fabric Thea. Your chair is almost done. It's fantastic!
Hi Thea..I have just caught up on all your days of upholstery..thanks for answering my question. Thank you also for telling me that I can do piping with fabric NOT on the bias..I have resisted doing piping on cushions 'cos it takes up oodles of fabric which I thought I could put to better use! I love your results so far..great work.
This looks great - well done - would you mind sharing where you did the course - I would be interested. DH has an old set of chairs that he would love to have recovered and was planning on doing it himself but has never gotten around to it. I got a quote yesterday and it will be $550 each without fabric - ghhhh. I think that for that I would rather learn how to do it myself and have a new skill up my sleeve.
Thea, it is looking fantastic! Love your posts on this and can't wait to see it finished. You must be so pleased with it. ;-)
Beautiful job Thea, very professional.
Thea, Your chair is looking really great. You must be pleased.
Just wondering what's next?
Pam x
OMG!!! Thea, it looks so gorgeous!! Well done to you, I can't wait to sign up to an upholstery class.
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