The design was in my files for far too long. There were times when I doubted that it was good enough to print and left it alone. I work so hard to come up with original designs and it's not easy to know what people may like.

Now, what colours should we print? Of course, I love the Marine Blue on white linen and I'm also thinking White and Red prints on natural linen. Are there any other colours that you would like to see?
Love the name! And of course love the print too. I think a deep green on white would look great too.
Gorgeous Thea. Of course I love red, but also a moss green on natural linen. A nice earthy orange would be lovely too.
That's a great design Thea. Love it in that dark blue. White on white probably wouldn't work, would it? What about white on natural? xx
Gostei muito desta estampa.
Ficará muito interessante em muitas almofadas.
Beijos do BRAZIL!
Wow Thea, the design has changed a bit since I saw your ideas. It looks great though. I think white on the natural linen would also look fantastic...T
It's always exciting to see a new design printed and a good choice not to leave this one in the design files :) Can't think of any colour suggestions other than yours and the ones left in other comments. Have fun!
Thanks Ladies. Keep the suggestions coming. White on natural was one that I mentioned and always a winner and I will have to starting mixing greens..
Thea it's fabulous! What about a beautiful verdigris on natural? on white too.
Looks fab. Some laurel resting is in order my dear.
Black on white linen or even on neutral would give a whole new dimension to the print..kind of a geometric appeal. I do like this one a lot!
A great print- looks like you had a proper Octopus helper!! Has a wonderful movement to it.
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